Legal warning

Legal warning

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, it is reported that Rubio López & Asociados is the entity that owns this website whose main domain name is, and informs you, in addition to:


Company name: Rubio López & Asociados
Identificación fiscal CIF: B98178114
Registered Office: C/ Colón nº 42, pta. 11, 46004 Valencia.
Phone: (+34) 96 351 56 47


All rights reserved.

This website is property of Rubio López & Asociados. Its total or partial reproduction is prohibited without the express authorization of the owner and the owners of the reproduction rights and brands. The reproduction, copy, use, distribution, public marketing or any other activity that may be carried out with the information contained in these web pages and that is carried out without express authorization from the owner, S.L. and/or the owners of the rights and brands, is an infraction punishable by current legislation. The names and logos displayed on these pages are trademarks and registered rights. All access to this Website is subject to the following conditions: the reproduction, permanent storage and dissemination of the contents or any other use for public or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited without the express prior written consent of the Owner.

The Owner rejects all responsibility arising from the misuse of the content displayed on these pages and reserves the right to update, delete, establish limitations or restrict access at any time, temporarily or permanently. The Owner rejects any responsibilities that may arise from any information not contained in these web pages. Specifically, it rejects responsibility for the information contained in third-party web pages connected by links to the web pages owned by the owner. Nor is it responsible for possible security errors that may occur due to the use of computers infected with computer viruses or for the consequences that may arise from the malfunction of the browser or from the use of non-updated versions of it. The information and services included or available through this website may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Owner periodically incorporates improvements and/or changes to the information contained and/or the Services that it may introduce at any time. The Owner does not represent or guarantee that the services or contents will be interrupted or free of errors, that defects will be corrected, or that the service or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components, without prejudice to the fact that The Owner makes every effort to avoid this type of incident. Owner declines any responsibility in the event of interruptions or malfunctions of the Services or content offered on the Internet, whatever the cause. Likewise, the Owner is not responsible for network outages, business losses as a result of said outages, temporary suspensions of electricity or any other type of indirect damage that may be caused to you by causes beyond the control of the Owner. Before making decisions and/or actions based on the information included on the Website, the Owner recommends checking and contrasting the information received with other sources.


The purpose of this website is the publication of goods and services by the Owner for sale or contracting online, as well as other general information about the entity and its activity.


If you have any questions about these Legal Conditions or want to make any comments about this Website, you can contact us through any of the contact methods provided.


These general conditions are governed by Spanish legislation. For any dispute that may arise related to the website or the activity carried out on it, the Courts of VALENCIA will be competent, with the user expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply.
